Free Download Revit: Parametric Curvature in the Family Editor
Structural BIM Design Technology for a Connected World
Fast multi-cloth building modelling using physical structural members
Country-of-the-fine art structural assay methods
Economic and reliable design
Fully automatic applied science drawings and fabrication detailing
Consummate quantities take-off for costing and comparison
Leading BIM Integration for project coordination
ProtaConstruction is an innovative BIM solution for structural engineers to model, analyze and blueprint buildings quickly and accurately.
From one key model, easily compare different schemes and automate your steel and physical design, significantly reducing project delivery time.
Produce high quality drawings and all pattern documentation from ProtaStructure automatically using included ProtaDetails and ProtaSteel.
Seamlessly coordinate projects with intelligent BIM integration.
ProtaStructure saves fourth dimension and increases business profitability.
At Beginning Glance
Fast project commitment with fully integrated Concrete and Steel design from ane central structural BIM design model.
Like shooting fish in a barrel, quick and intuitive concrete modelling with Multiple Window Views and Dynamic Input
64-fleck Architecture and Enhanced Technology Platform.
3D finite element analysis with country-of-the-fine art analytical model with extensive assay options and shell element support for floors and shearwalls.
Advanced assay techniques including Linear Rubberband Analysis, Equivalent Static Convulsion Load, Response Spectrum Assay, Time-History, Pushover, Concurrent cracked and uncracked analysis, Staged Construction, P-Delta, Temperature Difference, and Seismic Basement and Isolator considerations.
Design to a range of leading international codes including specialist seismic requirements.
Seismic assessment methodologies for Performance Based Pattern or Retrofit of buildings using Lenear Elastic, Nonlinear Push over or Time-History analyses.
Fully automated RC detailing into your drawing sheets. Manual drafting using smart rebars. Change management and dynamic quantity tables together with Fast applied science macros including retaining wall, stair, puddle, pile analysis, design and detailing.
Automatic steel connectedness design using IntelliConnect, full steelwork applied science drawings together with comprehensive part numbering and store detailing for fabrication.
Industry leading BIM integration for starting, coordinating and sharing models
Interactive user experience with extensive in-production learning, contextual help, alive updates and dedicated technical support from Professional Engineers.
Seismic Analysis and Design Capabilities
ProtaStructure provides engineers with comprehensive tools to pattern and item buildings quickly and economically to meet rigorous earthquake standards including US and EC codes of practice.
Wide Coverage of Seismic Codes
ProtaStructure supports a broad range of seismic codes including IBC, UBC, EC8, NSCP, SNI, Thai, Indian and Turkish standards.
Seismic Parameters and Response Spectra
Elastic and design response spectra are calculated automatically using lawmaking-specified parameters. Sitespecific spectra tin likewise be introduced. Mass sources are automatically calculated including consideration of varied live load participation.
Equivalent Static Earthquake Loads
Static earthquake loads are automatically calculated and applied at story levels. Multiple diaphragms and accidental eccentricities are taken into consideration.
Response Spectrum Analysis
Mode superposition analysis can be used where static approach is not applicable. Modal results are combined with CQC. RSA base of operations shear is automatically scaled to Equivalent Static results. Cumulative mass participation of modes is automatically calculated.

Diaphragm Modeling and Story Meshing
ProtaConstruction has smart features for automatically detecting and defining intelligent rigid diaphragms. Multiple towers with discrete independent floors, discontinuous, stepping, sloping slabs and openings are all considered. Any floor can be selectively meshed and assigned as a flexible diaphragm.
2 Stage Analysis for Upper and Lower Structure
An automatic two phase analysis is performed in ane-go for buildings with rigid basements. Different mass sources for upper and lower structure are automatically considered.
Consider Cracked and Uncracked Sections in One Assay Run
Cracked and uncracked section properties can exist simultaneously used in the same analysis for dissimilar load cases. Code modification defaults tin be automatically applied to department properties.
Vertical and Horizontal Irregularities
ProtaStructure has powerful features to appraise building irregularities in accordance with convulsion code requirements. Flooring Torsion, Diaphragm Discontinuity, Mass, Stiffness, Weak Storey and Non-parallel system irregularities are all checked, and whatever required penalties are applied.

Potent Column-Weak Beam Checks
Tedious Strong Column-Weak Beam checks are automated at every joint. Joint checks are summated bi-directionally at every floor to ensure building collapse mechanisms perform in meeting accustomed code provisions.
Joint Shear Checks
Overlooking joint shear can potentially cause catastrophic failure of buildings during earthquake events. ProtaStructure automatically detects Confined or Unconfined joints and checks against brittle failure.

Ductile Member Design and Detailing
Columns, walls, and beams are designed to special ductility requirements. Automated confinement of beam and column critical sections, wall end zones (purlieus elements), wall design envelope, capacity shear design and much more are automatically considered.
Diaphragm Integrity and Load Transfer Checks
Transfer of inertia loads between slabs and lateral load resisting members including shearwalls and collectors beams is automatically verified. For flexible diaphragms, in-plane shear, tension and compression stresses are checked to prevent diaphragm failure.
Wall Coupling Beams
Special attending is provided for coupling beams. Different cracked section properties tin be defined. The wall-beams assembly is checked for coupled wall effectiveness.
Seismic Isolators
Seismic isolators tin be inserted anywhere on the structure for different seismic isolation scenarios. Both upper and lower structure design can be performed in ProtaStructure using target earthquake spectra. Drift of the structure and isolator displacements are also reported as a part of the design.
ProtaStructure for Performance-Based Design and Edifice Assessment
Prota provides unique tools for engineers to carry out functioning-based building assessment.
Nonlinear Cobweb Analysis of Sections
Column, axle, and Wall sections tin be modeled with cobweb elements using distributed plasticity and analyzed with state-of-the-art numerical techniques to derive the Moment-Curvature relationships.
Force-deformation relationships for integration points are obtained from detailed fiber section analysis.

Nonlinear Static Pushover
Single Mode Static Pushover analysis is performed using ProtaStructure - OpenSees integration. Parameters such as the number of steps and target displacements can be controlled by the user.
Later the analysis, the Capacity Curve is obtained. Users can specify the monitored node for which the curve volition be generated. Results can be examined at any desired step. A detailed performance cess report is generated afterwards.

Nonlinear Time-History Analysis
Nonlinear Time-History analysis tin can be performed using ProtaStructure - OpenSees integration.
User selected multiple ground motions can be practical simultaneously in X and Y directions. Ground motility application direction is rotated by ninety degrees, and analyses are repeated.
Ground movement records are automatically scaled past ProtaStructure to your design requirements using the simple scaling method between 0.2T and i.5T.
Analysis results from multiple ground motion sets are automatically post-candy. The average values of accented maximum responses are extracted and used to prepare detailed performance assessment reports.

Design Codes
Structural engineers effectually the world like to employ their own local approaches to both pattern and detailing. At Prota nosotros understand this which is why we offer both a broad range of leading international codes also as provide specific customization to suit your local requirements.
Reinforced Concrete Design Codes
Eurocode 2 Base Code and National Annexes
United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland
Steel Design Codes
AISC360-10 (LRFD, ASD)
TSC 2016 (LRFD, ASD)
Eurocode three Base Code and National Annexes
United kingdom
Seismic Assay and Design Codes
IBC 2018
NSCP 2015
DPT 1301/1302-61
TDY 2007
TBDY 2018
Eurocode 8 Base of operations Code and National Annexes
Loading and Wind Loading Codes
BS 6399
TS 498
AASCE 07-x
MS 1533
DPT 1311-50
NSCP 2015
Eurocode ane Base Lawmaking and National Annexes
United Kingdom
With its focus on structural BIM modelling, ProtaStructure allows physical RC, Steel and Composite structural members to be easily, rapidly and intuitively divers in one model.

Instantly create models using smart DXF import to extrude gridlines, beams, columns, slabs and shearwalls directly from structural or architectural drawings or make use of physical BIM links with IFC'due south, Revit or 3D DXFs to establish complete models with a click.
Use dynamic input to quickly create Concrete beam, columns, slabs, foundations and shearwalls and custom shaped corewalls and columns. Define openings, drops and physical set out to exactly define your project.
Use real structural steel elements including truss, purlin, brace, girt, sag rods with flexible parametric macros. Specify your splice locations on steel columns, beams and trusses.
Ascertain conventional, waffle, precast and flat slabs with curved and irregular edges and drib head panels.
Create Raft, Piled-Raft, Pad Base of operations, Pile Cap and Combined foundations together with Strip Footings and Foundation Beams for complete foundation design. Set foundations upwardly at any level.
Build custom trusses using the truss editor and save them in the library for subsequently use. Define multiple horizontal and vertical braces and utilise flexible purlin layout generators.
Make use of the new full general purpose frame member to model irregular arrangements with ease.
Merge unlike model parts together allowing concurrent modelling for rapid project creation.
Fast generation of multiple storeys with similar storey characteristic.
Simultaneously work on unlike floor plans and 3D model with multiple window system. Easy access to parts of model with element Filters.
Define dissimilar materials and reinforcement steel grades on floor and element basis throughout the projection.
Create Arc and multi-segment axes/beams, sloping members and structures with non-orthogonal plans.
Anchor fixed column and beam positions to corners and edges. When section sizes change, anchored positions are retained.
Model sloping slabs, beams, columns and sloping and tapered shearwalls easily using planes or multi gridlines.
Assign flexible user-defined supports including springs under columns and shearwalls.
Prota's unique loading processes are highly automatic and accurate, saving yous fourth dimension and driving efficient blueprint.
Automatically decompose loads from plate, ribbed and waffle slabs, using Yield Lines and/or Finite Elements Methods. Utilise bespeak, line and patch loads to slabs.
Use user-defined Point Loads, Moments and Bridge Loads to columns and shearwalls.
Cheque model loads, finishes, elements sizes and properties using color coded visual interrogation.
Automatic calculation of code-based seismic loads using Equivalent Static and Response Spectrum Analysis methods.
Automatic Wind Load Calculation to EN1991-4(2005) BS6399-ii(1997), ASCE7(2010) & MS1533(2002) and Thailand codes
Structural analysis is performed by specifically developed 64-bit 3D finite element solver and state-of-the-art analytical model.

Rapid analysis using multi-cores and pre-processing applied science.
Assay of slab systems independently or integrated with the construction by using finite elements.
Automated rigid links, rigid zones and asymmetrical end-releases on frame members.
Assay of shearwalls and custom shaped corewalls with or without openings using shell elements, mid-pier and single-pier models.
Staged Construction Analysis with detailed options, P-Delta analysis and definition of equal/gradient temperature differences. Special Seismic Analysis considerations.
Soil-Construction Interaction Assay for all types of foundations.
Sophisticated Post Analysis checks for reviewing lawmaking compliance including deflections.
Real-fourth dimension visualization of stress contours, deformations, force and moment diagrams using the full-featured Assay Post-Processor.
Design is the very essence of what we practise every bit Structural Engineers. Providing elegant, applied solutions to design is at the eye of ProtaStructure

Interactive and batch physical beam and column pattern including reinforcement optimizations and blueprint grouping.
Biaxial design and reinforcement optimization of columns and shearwalls with whatever section. Generation of interaction diagrams and capacity reports for easy design tracking.
Pattern of shearwalls and slabs using conventional or mesh reinforcement.
Automatically create reinforcement layouts for columns and corewalls with "I, H, L, T, U, E, +" sections
Code-based automated containment tools to specify link and necktie-bar layouts compatible with column sections of any shape and size.
Design economically and accurately past including column sections in Iron mesh and considering openings, drops and loads on slabs in Atomic number 26 analysis.
Design of flat, ribbed, waffle slab systems using analytical and finite elements methods and automated punching checks.
Selection of the well-nigh efficient steel profile based on agile codes.
Automatic design of steel connections using IntelliConnect and ability to reuse at all like joints
Integrated meshing and analysis of slab and foundation systems with the edifice model.
Avant-garde documentation tools including ordered written report sets, integration of external reports, table of contents, smart notification organisation (summary of alert, error and data letters).
Design pad bases, pile caps, strip foundations, rafts, piled rafts and combined foundations using analytical and finite element methods.
Combine different models to cater for shared foundation systems.
Use unlike subgrade coefficients and varied thicknesses for within raft foundations.
ProtaDetails – RC Detailing and Component Design
Engineers have longed for the ability to automatically create all RC detailing from the pattern, intuitively laid out into drawing sheets, and complemented with total drafting and editing capability.

Automatically produce details from your ProtaStructure design models into your drawing sheets, only with one click.
Carry out all your drafting using standard CAD cartoon commands without the need for other CAD software. Features include all-encompassing command-line support and customization, DWG/DXF back up, dimensions, layers, style, intelligent undo/redo and much more…
Generate dynamic quantity tables with full bar angle schedules, which are updated instantly when changes occur.
Customize drawings with your own title blocks with car referencing including all project and sheet data.
Make utilize of smart rebar library, intelligent detailing items and tools to perform semi-automatic structural drafting for the cases where a full automation is not possible.
Automatically or manually truncate beam elevations to fit whatever sail layout.
Catechumen your old reinforcement drawings to smart rebars and instantly provide steel quantity take off.
Insert details with unlike cartoon scales side-by-side on the aforementioned sail. Smart scaling system automatically manages all relevant texts, object sizes and dimensions.
Automatically update blueprint item changes from ProtaStructure every bit they occur.
Use ProtaDetails growing library of intelligent macros to design and detail other components in your projects including;
Automated analysis, design and detailing of cantilever retaining walls.
Pattern of RC Stairs, Pile Caps, Corbels, Steel Scaffold Systems, Swimming Pools and more including all details, quantities and adding reports.
Design your piles using detailed soil profiles for pile working load assessment, iterative non-linear lateral pile analysis and pile department design.
Produce engineering science details for other components including Culverts, Retrofit Walls, Foundation Pits, Pad Bases, Walls, Continuous RC Beams and more than.
ProtaSteel – Steel Connections and Detailing
Nowadays clients desire applied, consummate steel details and automated connectedness design to drive on-time project commitment and cost control.
ProtaSteel is the all-in-one steel detailing solution for engineers, fabricators and drafting professionals.

Communicate ProtaStructure models seemlessly to ProtaSteel including all physical elements and belittling results
Use our unique IntelliConnect to quickly automate connection design with a focus on constructability.
Easily model and particular whatsoever steel connection using Fully-featured Parametric Connectedness Libraries.
Meet the footstep-by-stride connection pattern calculations with detailed code clause referencing.
Insert ancillary steel including sag rods, purlins, girts, braces, stairs, chequer plate, railings, secondary beams and eaves beam to complete your model.
Automatically detect all clashes betwixt parts.
Create macro presets for any connection or modeling macro using your favorite settings and visitor standards. Seamlessly update any changes in ProtaStructure models to ProtaSteel
Fully-flexible Automated Part and Assembly Numbering that intelligently manages part-marks on subsequent revisions of the model.
Automatically set all General Arrangement Drawings, Truss Details, Connection Details, and Shop Drawings.
Full cut lists provide insight into efficient procurement and price control. Intelligent data communication with IFC'southward, NC's, and Tekla Structures.
Easily create your own user-defined connections using general purpose tools like plate, bolt, weld, section, cutting, chamfer and fillet and use these connections at similar joints.
Increased productivity with unique connection macros including truss apex, truss-column, steel axle to concrete, and embedded steel connections.
Automatically compile comprehensive design reports and runway connection design condition with model color coding.
Leading Structural BIM Collaboration
Structural BIM at Its Core
ProtaStructure is natively designed with structural BIM in mind. We utilise intelligent concrete objects to drive modeling, design, coordination and documentation.

Support for BIM Industry Standards
ProtaStructure supports both import and export of IFC and 3D DXF files enabling professionals to share the models between ProtaConstruction and other leading BIM platforms including Autodesk Revit, ArchiCAD, and AllPlan.
Bi-directional Integration with Autodesk Revit
Prota has developed bespoke integration with Autodesk Revit to facilitate straight, seamless model coordination, providing tools to roundtrip and synchronize changes as they occur. Explore revisions with color-coded visualization and interactive change logs. Take advantage of new family mapping functionality providing you with a tailored experience to suit your BIM piece of work processes and standards.

Create Models from second Data
Modelling processes can even start with our DXF import where we tin convert and extrude drawings into Physical ProtaStructure models. Line and face elements similar cavalcade, beam, walls and slabs in 2D key plans and 3D DXF files tin can be quickly converted to 3D ProtaStructure models. Architectural drawings tin can be overlaid against structural floors to aid coordination.

Analysis Model Collaboration
We sympathize that applied science offices employ a range of different analysis and design tools to get the chore done. Many firms and checking authorities also crave structural engineers to crosscheck and validate analysis results against other accustomed platforms. ProtaStructure allows you to hands achieve this with open intelligent model links to OpenSees, ETABS™, SAP2000™, LUSAS™, and more than.
Output Reports and Drawings to Industry Standard Formats
Create and share customizable and highly visual calculation reports featuring Microsoft Office and PDF export abilities.
Detail drawings are fully compatible with industry standard DXF and DWG formats. All drawings in ProtaStructure follows best drafting practices and provide total layer, way and scaling flexibility.
Bespoke templates customized to suit your visitor drafting preferences can also be easily established and re-used for whatever project. Additional formats including 3D DXF, STL and image files are also bachelor.
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